Simulation study for troughts thomson channels of Ait Messaoud
posted in News by TecnoConverting
The Project Ait Messaoud, for which TecnoConverting was awarded through the research and development of the new technologies that allows to multiply by four the performance of the settling processes, is already under construction.
The assembly of the troughts thompson channels for clean water collection has already started on the six settlers of the Ait Messaoud Drinking Water Plant.
Initially, the construction company had considered the installation of eleven pipes in carbon steel per each settler, for the collection of treated water.
Thanks to TecnoConverting studies, on which it is simulated the behavior of the water with the TecnoTec – Sedagua program, the customer was offered to change the eleven tubes per six troughs Thompson channels per settler.
The thompson channels offered by TecnoConverting can provide a significant improvement in engineering:
The analysis by simulation allows to determine the fluid dynamic behavior of a settling tank for drinking water for the two clarified water collecting systems: The perforated tubes initially considered by constructor and the troughts Thomson offered by TecnoConverting.
The program allows simulation the water distribution and the volume fraction of the analyzed module, which allows to predict the behavior of the water to provide the best channel model, its position, the size and teeth shape.
From this simulation the results obtained where that modifying the water collecting system from perforated pipes to rectangular channels doesn´t appreciably change the distribution on the water flow inside the tank, but it favors a greater stability on the top of the tank, ensuring a greater homogeneity in the removal of clarified water.
Moreover, the initial perforated pipes presented by the constructor company, built in carbon steel, may form significant levels of oxidation and produce clogging on the water extraction perforations, situation that is totally discharged with the Thomson channels in stainless steel.
Besides increasing the efficiency, the choice for Thomson channels reduces the cost of installation and civil works, and avoids the weakening of the pipes with the surplus holes for water outlet.
The calculation program TecnoTec-Sedagua, designed by TecnoConverting, has become a powerful program for the improvement of the existing treatment plants and water for the proper sizing of the new ones; offering better efficiencies without over dimension the installations, ensuring the best performance and quality for the costumer.
Se ha comprobado, a raíz de los resultados obtenidos, que modificar el sistema de recogida de agua de tubos perforados a canales rectangulares no modifica de forma apreciable la distribución del flujo de agua en el interior del tanque, pero si favorece una estabilidad de flujo mayor en la zona superior del tanque, asegurando una mayor homogeneidad en la extracción del agua clarificada
Además, las tuberías perforadas iniciales presentadas por la compañía constructora, construidas de acero galvanizado, pueden llegar a formar importantes niveles de oxidación y producir obturaciones en los agujeros de extracción del agua; situación que se descarta totalmente en los canales Thomson de acero inoxidable.
A parte de aumentar la eficiencia, con la elección de los canales Thomson se reduce el coste de la instalación y la obra civil, y se evita debilitarla con la realización de agujeros excedentes para la salida del agua.
El programa de cálculo TecnoTec-Sedagua, diseñado por TecnoConverting, se ha convertido en un potente programa para la mejora de las plantas de tratamiento de agua existentes y para el buen dimensionamiento de las nuevas; ofreciendo mejores rendimientos sin sobredimensionar las instalaciones, asegurando el mejor funcionamiento y calidad para el cliente.