TecnoConverting supplies and installs Tecnograbber® restraint system in Zaragoza
posted in News by TecnoConverting
A growing number of localities are implementing measures against the problem of waste that arrives to our rivers and seas.
On this occasion, we have had the opportunity to install our TecnoGrabber® system in several points of the city of Zaragoza.
Last year, the sewage treatment plants there removed more than 360 tons of waste, causing blockages in the pipes when this waste is flushed down the toilet.
On Monday 4th July, the project began with the installation of our TecnoGrabber® retention system, preventing waste such as sanitary towels, ear buds and cotton wool discs from reaching the city’s rivers. Each net is capable of retaining more than 300kg of waste per rainfall event.
![Foto 2 zaragoza.es [Imagen de la Consejera municipal de Infraestructuras y Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, Patricia Cavero, comprobando nuestro mecanismo de retención Tecnograbber®] Recuperado de https://www.zaragoza.es/](https://www.tecnoconverting.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Foto-2-zaragoza.es_-600x400.jpeg)
[Image of the Municipal Councilor for Infrastructure and the Environment of the Zaragoza City Council, Patricia Cavero, checking our Tecnograbber® retention mechanism] Retrieved from https://www.zaragoza.es/
The municipal councilor for Infrastructure and the Environment, Patricia Cavero, explained that they are going to implement our retention systems in three spillways of the sanitation network: in the Ebro River, as it passes through San Pablo Park, in the Huerva River, at the height of the Bruil Park and also on the Gállego River, in the Ríos de Aragón Park. She also commented that, once the result has been seen, the intention is to continue implementing it progressively in all spillways.
TecnoConverting Engineering has proceeded to install 4 TecnoGrabber® systems, a 1.500mm diameter collector neck, a deflector with 5 retention meshes and two deflectors with 4 meshes each with a half-moon design. Each system has been custom designed for each specific point. The installed TecnoGrabber® systems have a capacity to retain up to 6 tons of waste per rain event.
“Ecociudad” is going to test our systems throughout the summer because it is the time of the year when heavy rains usually occur, and when the network’s spillways come into operation the most.
![Foto 3 zaragoza.es [Imagen de nuestros técnicos introduciendo el material dentro del espacio confinado para la posterior instalación de las cestas de retención] Recuperado de https://www.zaragoza.es/](https://www.tecnoconverting.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Foto-3-zaragoza.es_-600x400.jpeg)
[Image of our technicians introducing the material into the confined space for the subsequent installation of the retention systems] Retrieved from https://www.zaragoza.es/
From the City Council of Zaragoza, they discuss their current problems, both economic and environmental, which involve all the waste that is thrown down the toilet. Their goal is to address these issues, with our TecnoGrabber® technology.
It is worth mentioning the great influx of media that was present during the explanation of the project. From the City Council, they want to inform and educate citizens not to throw harmful waste down the toilet.