
Blog Article

Problems with the biodisc sludge in lamellar settling

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In several plants we found that lamellar modules installed in a primary clarifier previous to biodiscs do not work properly: the sludge is spongy stays suspended inside the lamellar modules, causing its clogging and improper operation. After studing this process we have determined that one of the reasons is that the sludge recirculation from secondary settler wasn´t sent directly to biodisc, but to the primary settler, this was the reason why part of the sludge was floating, and part of spongy sludge was suspended halfway up.


In the equipments dimensioning it´s important to consider all the different elements incorporated in the process, particularly when lamellar modules are installed. Since TecnoConverting Engineering always insist on the importance of calculating correctly the lamellar settling, considering always the suspended solids, type of water, geometry of the settler, etc., to ensure the best performance of the installation.

12 Nov, 15



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